
A selection of my clients from 1985 to 2024


Some of my larger projects; the latest first

QA Manager for Zegeba’s digitalization platform

From 2018 to 2024 I had an 80% employment as QA Manager at Zegeba, working on QA, documentation (see picture to the right), training, form design, workshops and support for a variety of Norwegian and international clients. This Ålesund company has developed a digitalization platform based on digital forms that can be filled out on phones and tablets out in the field and downloaded to the main office when there is an Internet connection available. The office will almost immediately receive figures, graphs and reports on the incoming results, and save a lot of time and work compared to using regular paper forms.

During my 6 years working for the company, Zegeba have expanded their system with workflow and integration facilities and is uses by many different types of businesses; from oil and shipping companies, fishing and construction companies to NGOs and UNESCO, for tasks such as surveillance, maintenance, surveys, testing, etc. Contact me or Zegeba directly if you want more information on this versatile platform.

 (23.10.18, ed. 30.9.24)

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Norwegian version of the addressing system what3words

I have from 2015 until now been managing the Norwegian version of the award-winning addressing  system what3words. The London based company what3words has found a way to give every 3×3 m2 square around the globe its own name composed of 3 common words, such as index.home.raft. The system gives people in remote areas a fixed address, it marks the location of wells in the desert and indicates entrances to large buildings in major cities. I’ve been Language Group Coordinator for the Norwegian team and have set the linguistic style plus checked the 30,000 words to be used in the Norwegian addresses. A place name like table.stol.hurtig is easy to convey to e.g. a rescue team if you are lost in the mountains, and it indicates your exact location. While the Norwegian terminilogy base is complete, I am still active translating the what3words app into Norwegian as it continues to expand in functionality and user-friendliness.  (17/12/17, ed. 27/05/22)

Video teaser for Aalesund opera choir

I’ve sung in our town’s opera choir for 30 years, at times helping with PR and design. For the choir’s production of The Maical World of Disney in 2017 I made a 1 minute video teaser based on footage from previous performances. The teaser is designed for Social Media distribution, especially Facebook and Instagram. I wanted to test out Adobe’s simplest video creation tool, Adobe Spark. This is an online tool with a few nice templates, but it does have its limitations. You have to use the same soundtrack throughout the video, and as I wanted to use clips from multiple songs I was forced to first compose a combined background track in another editor.
The teaser was first published as a regular post on the choir’s Facebook page. In the first 24 hours it got an organic reach of 1300 and was viewed by 650. Then I designed the colorful slides projected as a backdrop. Such a fun assignment!    (4.09.18, ed. 27.5.22)

The Incoming Travel Study Incoming 2017

In November 2017 Elisabeth in Heyerdahl Refsum AS published the survey Incoming 2017 on behalf of Virke – the Enterprise Federation of Norway, Innovation Norway, NCET Fjord Norway, the Trøndelag Tourist Board, the Northern Norway Tourist Board and HANEN. As a subcontractor I coded the quantitative part of the survey in SurveyMonkey with 15 main topics and a total of 273 questions. The responses were then processed in an Excel workbook with 61 individual spreadsheets. I created tables and figures, and contributed to producing the final report in Word and PowerPoint. This year’s figures were compared to our previous survey Incoming 2013, and gave some interesting results regarding the increase in tourism to Norway over the last 4 years. As far as we know, no other countries have conducted similar surveys among Incoming/Inbound tour operators . (17/11/17)

Marketing and design for Operagalla!

For the Aalesund Opera Choir’s Opera Gala in October 2017 I made posters, advertisements, press releases, etc., as well as slides with beautiful motifs as backdrops for songs from various operas. I also made short texts that explained the (mostly) Italian lyrics, shown on stage as each song began. We believe this was the first time in opera history that such a presentation type was used, and the explanatory texts were very well received by the audience. Slides and animated promo video were produced in PowerPoint; posters and ads in Illustrator and Photoshop. I also created a YouTube channel to show performances of the choir, with videos edited in Movie Maker. The promo video is shown here. It was used both as an opening introduction to the show and as a header video on the choir’s Facebook page.  And yes, I did find time to sing in the show, too. Just! (01/11/17)

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Website for the artist Amy Berg

Amy Berg (1917-2000) was a painter from Ålesund who lived a long life in the service of art, in many countries. She was a friend of my family and in 2017 I had the pleasure of creating a website presenting some of her beautiful works. I also have some paintings for sale on behalf of her sons in the United States, and I promote them on social media. The website is made in WordPress. Read more about her life on the website! (09/15/17)

Member survey for Heyerdahl Refsum AS

World Wings International is a charity organisation operated by former cabin crew at the Pan Am airline. In spring 2017 the board wanted to find out what 2,000 members think about different topics and possible changes in operations in the future, and Heyerdahl Refsum AS created a survey based on their needs. As a subcontractor I coded 25 questions in SurveyMonkey and we presented the results as pie and bar charts in a 41 page PowerPoint report + a document with 1400 comments from the respondents. This was the largest number of respondents I have ever surveyed, and the WWI board expressed great satisfaction with the work. The survey gave them a quantitative basis for their decisions regarding the future of the organisation. (9.1.17)

arbeider works språk languages texts tekster oversetting translation oversette translate engelsk English

Article about SKAM‘s global spread on social media

NRK’s ​​TV and web series Skam is not only popular in Norway and the Nordic region. During fall season 2016, the series shot in an Oslo high school gained millions of fans worldwide, attracted by Skam’s photogenic teenage actors and themes such as LGBT orientations and mental illness. I managed to find some incredible numbers for the series’ viral spread on social media, including many millions of Chinese fans! Prior to this report, it was not generally known that the series had gained a following outside of Scandinavia, and NRK expressed their gratitude to me for making them aware of this. While working on the report, my language nerd skills came in handy, with figuring out what trending Russian and Latin American SKAM tweets were discussing or understanding viewer statistics in the unique Chinese number system. The English version of my report is here.  Norwegian version here. These reports now have close to 4,000 views on the Medium site, partly due to links I posted on Wikipedia. (1.1.17)

Marketing coordinator at Utvalgte Spisesteder AS

In 2016 I held a temporary position as a market coordinator at Utvalgte Spisesteder AS, a chain of 18 family restaurants in Norway. I created content for product manuals, roll ups, beach flags, web pages, Facebook pages, brochures, etc., and a graphics company designed and manufactured the products. In addition, I served as a tech liaison between the restaurants and the chain’s data providers as well as assisting in arranging business conferences. This photograph is from a Travel Exhibition in Oslo in January 2016. From left: Magny Strand, Elisabeth Heyerdahl Refsum, Per Lauritz Lien, and me. (9.1.16)

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PR and backdrops for “Disneys Magiske Verden”

As a member of the Aalesund Opera Choir PR Committee, I made posters, ads, press releases, Facebook posts, concert shows, tickets (!), backdrop slides, promo film and radio interviews for the choir’s own show production Disneys Magiske Verden staged in 2015 and 2016. See the video I made to promote the performance here. (4.1.16)

Incoming 2013 – Tourism survey for Heyerdahl Refsum AS

Incoming 2013 is one of several surveys Heyerdahl Refsum AS have delivered to key players in the Norwegian tourism industry. This one surveyed incoming/inbound travel operators – the companies that sell tours of Norway to foreign tourists on assignment for Innovation Norway, Virke – the Enterprise Federation of Norway, NCE Tourism Fjord Norway and Northern Norway Travel Organisation. As a subcontractor I designed the survey in SurveyMonkey. The picture shows a presentation of the survey at These inquiries were repeated in the Incoming 2017 survey (presented earlier on this page), where we could compare the results from 2017 with those we found in 2013. (01/11/13)

22juli terror terrordøgnene Twitter NRKBeta

The Voice From Norway – a NRKbeta report on my Norway 2011 terrorism tweets

In Twitter‘s heyday, I as @TheEliselise followed international news and post photos and news from Norway in English. In the fall of 2011, NRKbeta found that I was the one in the world who sent the most messages about the terrible Oslo and Utøya terrorism on July 22, 2011 – Norway’s 9/11, and they wrote an article about the reach of my tweets during those awful days. 77 young people were killed and hundreds maimed for life by a white man from Oslo. Many of the tweets I posted were English translations of Norwegian posts.  See the article here (Google translated to English).  (9.6.11)

Documentation maintenance for Innovation Norway

In the period 1996-2011 I produced documentation for Innovation Norway‘s various BIT projects (BIT: Industry Integrated IT). I created and/or edited specifications, presentations, contracts in Norwegian and English, in Word and PowerPoint. This was a great opportunity for me to learn about the development and standardisation of IT taking place at the time, in industries such as furniture, building, tourism. (6.1.11)

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Localisation and Project Management at Microsoft Worldwide Products Group

In January 1991 I began working in Dublin as one of the first two Norwegian localisers at Microsoft Ireland. The job involved translation and adaptation of software and documentation to Norwegian. At that time, Microsoft’s Windows 3.1, Word and Excel was taking over the PC world, and the Irish facility expanded quickly as software versions were needed in more and more languages. A few months in I was promoted to Assistant Project Manager for the localisation of what would eventually be Outlook, and I was put through the company’s various management training courses. The picture shows a box that I translated. This product was eventually not released on the market as IBM’s operating system OS / 2 quickly lost out to Windows. (6.1.92)

Documentation and support for Nortech Management

In 1987-1989 I worked for a small telecommunications company in Oslo. One of their products was a system for telex communication in PC networks. I started writing a user’s manual for this in Norwegian and English, and eventually did bugfixing, installation and training while visiting banks, insurance and shipping companies along the Norwegian coast. Here the girl geek is trying to sell telex at a software exhibition around 1988… those were the days! (01/11/89)


I also take on many small jobs, such as fixing the formatting in a rogue Word document, creating a composite pdf document with a table of contents, finding the mistake in a spreadsheet or fixing the vendor data system when I pop into the newsstand on the corner …
